by SHANICE BIBBS Every year, millions of people around the world make New Year’s resolutions. After the first month, however, studies find that 25% of people stay committed to them, and only 8% accomplish them. When making these resolutions, too often, people strive for perfection. Instead, focusing on progress instead of perfection makes fulfilling New Year’s Resolutions easier. The Healthy Corner Store Network- Roosevelt offers these wellness tips to make 2020 your healthiest year yet!
1. CLEANSE YOUR BODY Consider a seven-day body cleanse challenge before January 1 to give your body a head-start on the new year to come. Eliminate at least two unhealthy foods or habits for seven entire days.

As the new year transitions in, allow these new healthy habits to accompany you for the next 365 days. To make it easier, encourage friends, family, and co-workers, to accept the challenge with you. Create accountability partners in your journey to reset your body and pursue a healthier lifestyle together. Solidify your commitment with a toast replacing alcohol with a Green Machine celebratory toast!
Due to the high demands and pressures of society, we often forget to take a step back and focus on self-awareness. By taking a couple of minutes out of your day to practice deep breathing, you may find that solutions to life's obstacles will readily come to you when you are self-aware and have a clear, focused, and calm mind. Deep breathing exercises bring calmness to individuals.
Try this breathing exercise to bring more calmness to your day:
Take in a slow, deep breath through your nose. As you inhale, imagine the air spreading calmness and peace throughout your body. As you breathe out through your mouth, release thoughts causing stress and tension. As you take your next breath, imagine it spreading deeper than the one before. Repeat several times until you have a calming rhythm.
Continue this exercise for two minutes or until you feel relaxed. Over time, increase the duration of the activity and notice the difference it makes to your stress levels, anxiety, and self-awareness.
Commit to financial clarity in the new year to come by challenging yourself to seek information about something in your financial life that you have been avoiding.
Face your fears and encourage yourself to become more aware of where you stand financially. Committing to this task will allow you to become more confident and aware of your finances. Anxiety that may arise due to your current financial health will lesson and allow you an opportunity to make changes to improve your wallet’s future.
Start researching financial terms on your bank statement that don't make much sense or are confusing. Make an appointment to speak with a financial advisor at a nearby bank or credit union and establish financial goals for the new year. Choice for All recommends our Financial Champion partner Ridgewood Savings Bank. For more information, call (718) 240-4745.
The new year is a fantastic time to reevaluate priorities, start the year with a clean slate, and put our goals into action before the stroke of midnight. Take a moment to reflect on your successes and shortcomings and identify steps you can take to change and/or maintain your path to a better life.
Buy a planner to re-organize your life's desire, needs, and wants. If you are not fond of writing, you can try other forms of documenting your plans and goals, such as recording voice notes or videos, designing picture collages, and creating artistic visuals. You will find that documenting your goals will make it easier to accomplish them in the year ahead.
Often we find ourselves emerged in the same activities because we surround ourselves with familiar faces and situations. This year, strive to make new connections outside your usual circle of friends while contributing to the greater good of the community by volunteering.
Volunteering is a great way to interact with people from all walks of life and will help develop new skills, bring exciting opportunities, and provide a new sense of purpose. Local organizations in Roosevelt are always recruiting new volunteers. Organizations accepting volunteers year round include St.Paul’s Episcopal Church, Choice For All, Roosevelt-Freeport Equal Opportunity Center (EOC) and the Cerebral Palsy Center of Nassau County.